What is a microsite and should you use one?

What is a microsite and should you use one?

If you want to do effective online marketing, you can not count on a single tool. You have to make several campaigns at the same time, e.g. Search engine marketing. Of course, this is a problem as more resources are needed to manage them. Now we're introducing a tool that requires knowledge and in-depth work that is much easier to use than many other tools, yet delivers the right results for your campaigns when used properly.

By Simple Definition - Wikipedia Quote - Microsite is a subpage that has a different URL than the main webpage, providing more information or promoting something we can see on the website itself. In particular, when we look at microsites in online marketing, they usually function as a landing page, product advertising, and subscription / subscription options, although of course they can serve other purposes as well.

Such a site has many advantages, and we will list them here. First, however, we would like to point out the following ...

The main objectives of the microsite

The 3 main goals are: information, education, engagement.

On these pages you can tell the truth and only the truth about a particular product, service, campaign, initiative, business, etc. Where you communicate why, when and how you benefit and make your life easier or better. If you succeed, you can get them to subscribe to your newsletter, register on your website, or buy from you.

The latest B2B trend and benchmark report from the Content Marketing Institute shows that an average marketing team uses 13 content marketing tools, with exactly 47 percent of the microsites.

A microsite is more effective in communicating a campaign message than videos or traditional ads. For example, Dynamic Logic microsites in 2010 proved more effective than video or traditional display campaigns. Of course, the importance and performance of video content has increased significantly since then. Research shows, however, the extraordinary potential in microsites for half a decade.

You should take advantage of this potential, but first we need to find out when you should not use this tool.

When should I not create a microsite?

There are cases where you may find it particularly harmful to your endeavors, especially search engine optimization, to use microsites.

If you want to add a search term for which you are already ranked with your central page, you will not do so. In the eyes of Google, a microsite is considered a completely separate website (because a separate domain is available).

To improve SEO or search engine rankings, you should do a search engine optimization analysis (also known as an SEO study) - your efforts will not improve your work so far. If you do, you should work better on your main website. A microsite is better suited to promote a particular product or service and to include your own brand.

It can also be particularly damaging if the microsite contains content that matches the content of your website or webshop. Google does not like duplication (in technical language called duplicate content) and will not include it in the search. So do not waste unnecessary resources on a microsite that plays only existing content. Whatever the content on your site is, your microsite needs unparalleled content.

Summary: In Search Engine Optimization you can not easily make any compromises. The content optimization is therefore important, also here! Google's algorithm updates have made manipulation and action virtually impossible in recent years. In any case, if you want to get results, you have to work hard, and you can only achieve strategy.

Do not use as a patch

Do you have a website that is old, does not fit responsive web design that you need to completely revise? It may be tempting to use a microsite as a temporary solution - but you should avoid this. Rather start relaunching or rebuilding your existing website and spend your time and money on it.

One of the obvious reasons is, as explained earlier, the Google algorithm can not practically outsmart. On your old page, there will be much more relevant content, the domain will be older, so be stronger - there is a good chance that it will stay ranked in the relevant search results and is.

In addition, the consistency / user experience is also affected. Users want a unified experience - for example, when a newsletter and the landing page referenced by the link in it have a similar web design. The customer journey would have massive gaps should a user land on the professional website of your non-optimized website for more information.

This can easily discourage anyone interested and violates the brand experience. So much for that, and now we'll tell you why you need a microsite if you're serious about online marketing.

Pro: The incredible splendor of the microsite

Okay, now you know when you should not use a microsite - you should use. Because ...

  • Focused addressing of customer target groups
    in a separate microsite, every buyer can personalize persona (defined customer type), all of your products can be displayed on separate pages. You can conduct a search marketing campaign for each of them. This is an advantage from an SEO perspective and you can sell the product more easily. If you focus on just one topic, transfer specific, valuable and useful information and do not distract the user, the conversion and conversion rate is much higher. According to a case study, using personal-site microsites increases clicks by 200 percent and conversion rates by 170 percent.

  • Data, data, data
    analyzing a website's data is a complex process with - need to examine which page, how many visitors came, they spent and what favors them the most, the elements worked, how many people clicked through to other pages, how many and where, how much time on these pages How much time or page was converted afterwards ... Of course you measure the results with Google Analytics! It is no coincidence that professions are created for it.
    A microsite is easy. They only have one page and just have to look at what works and what does not. Essentially, you do not have to look at the different solutions in a broader context. If a call to action does not work, it's not because the user is distracted while on the move, but that's just not the ideal solution you use. And if something does not work well, if you change it, do not break your bike …
  • You can easily
    create and modify a microsite. You do not have to bother with the structure of a website in order to find solutions that will not lead to mistakes on a complex website. These are usually smaller static HTML pages - which is not a problem as they focus on content and do not need to be stunned by the user. So, if you develop a product, within a few days you'll get a well-built microsite that will help you get to know it better.
    If needed, they can be updated and converted very quickly. Does a CTA key work? No problem, you only have to exchange it in one place. Are you going to swap some items, change the color world? There is a thread because there is no need to make changes to dozens (even hundreds) of subpages.
  • You
    of course, you do not have to stick to the simplicity of the tree. In fact, you might even try out solutions that do not work and do not fit on your website. Be ergonomic! In addition to a consistent design, you can also use interactive sensitization solutions if the subject allows or requires it.

Where can you make a mistake?

Right there, you think, if it's that easy, you do not have to make an effort to be good. And of course, if you do not measure the results with Web Analytics!

We've written a lot about how much you just push a button or what color you give it. Case studies show that they are equally important in creating the microsite. Moreover, if possible, they are even more important because there is only one chance here. You can not control the content of a primary user to successfully convert it to another page. No other page. This equation must accomplish everything, so you'll need to perform relentless A / B tests. The page can be easily modified and used as long as you do not perfect it.

You need to take into account the knowledge that online marketers have gained over the past few years about the impact of web design, UX design (user experience), and the like on the conversion, otherwise you'll only get a fraction of the results.

If you have any questions, do not hesitate to contact us. We enjoy creating microsites and are happy to help you find the perfect solution for you!


  • SEO,
  • Analytics

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